Founder member of Tamworth VC- Ian Wall

Ian Wall - Foundation Board member.

1.     Why did you join the foundation board?

It’s all about doing as much as you can to put something back into the sport that has provided me with so much enjoyment. I would like to think that my experiences at grass root level can be of benefit to clubs looking to improve and develop volleyball in their community.

2.    What is your background in volleyball?

Started playing on the beach in France and then at a recreational session in Tamworth a long time ago. In 1982 became a founding member of Tamworth V.C. now Tamworth Spartans V.C. and held various committee roles at the club. I am also a registered coach and referee.

3.    Tell us a bit about your involvement in the development of volleyball?

It’s all about volleyball in Tamworth really. Back in 1982 we formed a club which had nothing so fundraising was my initial role. This committee work continued for many years primarily as Chair during which I encouraged quite a lot of our members to take coaching and refereeing qualifications to help our club develop. This urge to improve, both on court and of, led us down the path of successful accreditation for Volley 1 and Volley 2.

4.    What do want the foundation to achieve?

To facilitate the provision of opportunity to play one of the most exciting games in the world. This can be by financial or advisory means, we have a wide breadth of experience on our foundation board for you to tap into.

5.    How are you helping the foundation to do this?

It’s crucial that we have sufficient funds to help clubs and individuals. At the moment I am trying to attract charitable donations from financial institutions.  Wish me luck, it’s a tough time for everyone right now. We are also looking at organising a mixed volleyball tournament for non NVL players. All proceeds to the foundation of course.

6.    What can others do to support the foundation and our volleyball family?

Enter the tournament and then check out our website. There’s an interesting book there you can purchase or if you are feeling extra specially generous make a donation. For those of you avid online shoppers please use Amazon Smile and select the Volleyball England Foundation as your chosen charity. A small % comes our way. It is very much your foundation and it’s a mutually beneficial situation. You help us and together we can develop volleyball for the benefit of all.

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Here I am at the CEV Continental Cup May 2019 Leyton, London.

In case you are wondering I’m the one in the middle

PS Don’t the lads look grand in their foundation branded kit?